(928) 597-9515 WeCare@ResultsPartner.com

I recently spent a week in Cabo San Lucas with a friend from back in my corporate days.  We were celebrating her birthday and planned a week on the beach with no schedule and no more important decisions than whether we would grab a deck chair on the beach or by the pool.

I didn’t feel like I was “thinking” the entire time I was gone.  Yet when I arrived home and went back to “work” I realized that I had a whole new attitude.

That is the power of time off.

To me, vacation time is sacred.  In fact, when I do my annual planning, it’s the FIRST thing I plan!

I get one of those big dry erase planners with all 12 months laid out, and the first thing I do is mark out the weeks I’m taking off…for planned vacations, for holidays, for family time, whatever.

Then I plan my events and launches…around my life!

Unfortunately, I find that often times entrepreneurs tend to do the exact opposite.  We are in such a mindset of “go, go, go”, that we plan business activities, programs and launches, then realize that we just messed up that vacation we wanted to take, or we get totally stressed out because we’re going to be gone just when some critical element of our business is happening.  Yikes!

It’s time we change this paradigm once and for all.  Because time off and vacations that get us out of our environment are truly critical to our business success. By stepping away from our business we get the gift of clarity, and oftentimes you’ll be amazed at what might open up for you.

Here are my top 3 reasons why you must take more time off (defined as at least 4 days out of your office/business, and preferably out of your home!)…

 1.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder – You’ve probably heard this old expression, and I think it’s often true with our business.  When you step away for a chunk of time, it’s so much easier to get connected with the passion that had you start your business in the first place.  I find myself sharing “what I do” with someone I meet while traveling and seeing the difference I’m making in a whole new light.

I arrive back home more committed than ever to living my mission and making a difference with even more people than ever.

2.  Breakthroughs come when you aren’t thinking about them – Have you ever been in a place where you “had” to come up with something, a new plan, a solution to a problem, or an idea for growing your business? You wrack your brain “trying” to find the answer. You jot down ideas. You have powerful conversations with yourself about the possibilities.  And nothing seems to be working.  The answer isn’t coming.  Then you go for a walk or you go shopping.  You get out of your own way, and voila, the idea comes at the oddest time!

Take this times 10 when you are on vacation.  Some of my biggest business ideas and revelations about what’s really true for me and what I genuinely want in my life and business have revealed themselves while I was on vacation.  When you aren’t “forcing” yourself to make a decision, come up with an answer, or solve the problem, everything you want/need just seems to flow!

3. Everyone needs to recharge – You give your business a lot of you. Your passion, your vision, your energy, and a lot of the hours in your day.  You get to give yourself the gift of time to fill yourself back up.  You know that old airplane safety  briefing….”Place your own mask on first before helping others.”  It applies to your business too.

How can you be at your best for your clients if you are stressed out, tired, and lacking energy?  You can’t.  When you take time off, you are able to come back refreshed and ready to be the change agent you want to be.

So my invitation to you today is to plan your next vacation!  Give yourself the gift of stepping back to see your business in a whole new light.  You may just be surprised by what you see!

Comment below and tell us where you’ll be vacationing soon!