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The Answer Isn’t in Your Office

I had the opportunity to speak to a small group of passionate entrepreneurs yesterday. They are a part of a Meet Up Group sponsored by the Business Women’s Community founded by my friend and colleague Monette Toverada. (If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, check...

Are You the Chicken or the Egg?

We’ve all heard the question “What comes first, the chicken or the egg?”, right?  No where do I see this expression more relevant than when it comes to investing in yourself and your business. I get it….perhaps you are just starting your business and there’s no cash...

What are you tolerating?

As I looked at my desk this morning, with its papers spread out all over (reminding me of tasks left unfinished or yet to do), I got that icky feeling in the pit of my stomach.  You see, I’m a pretty organized and tidy person.  I kind of subscribe to the “everything...

Where Did the Day Go???

Wow!  As I sit at my computer writing to you, it’s 7:30 pm.  (Full disclosure, I’m a night owl, so it’s not unusual for me to mess around until 10 am before I really settle in to my work day, and be working away at 11 pm.) Having said that, today I...

Why you have no time….

Can you believe we are well on our way to being halfway through January already?  Time flies, right?  So, I’m curious, how often have said to yourself in this very short year “I just don’t have enough time.”? I hear it everyday from...