“Who in your life do you get to enroll in supporting you? Think about exactly what you need from them and then create a safe place for having the conversation.”
I often say that being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart.
There is so much to do! It’s stressful, and overwhelming, and it can feel so lonely.
Which is why it’s so important for you to create a support system for yourself and your business.
Now, I’m not talking about your VA or other outsourced help in your business, although you absolutely need that support system too.
I’m talking about the people in your life who will be there for you when you need them.
You might need to enroll some of those people to support you as you grow your business.
Sometimes our spouses, partners, family and friends just don’t get what it takes to run a business, right?
So you might get to have the hard conversation with them to enroll them in giving you what you need.
Working a lot of hours? Enroll your family in why you are putting in the hours and create a reward for the whole family for hitting a milestone.
Recently one of my clients got to buy her son a new Nintendo when she got a new client. (9-year olds are pretty easy to reward, right?).
But the thing is, by enrolling her 9-year old in why Mommy is on the computer, or has to work on a weekend, not only is she gaining support for what she needs to do, she’s teaching her kids to set goals and celebrate achieving them.
Who in your life do you get to enroll in supporting you?
Think about exactly what you need from them and then create a safe place for having the conversation.
Be open and honest about how you need them to support you and be sure to tell them what’s in it for them.
And be sure to gain agreement on how you will celebrate the next milestone.
The other place to create support is by hiring a coach.
In over 20 years as a business owner, there have been only a few months here and there that I have NOT had a coach.

There are 3 reasons every entrepreneur should have a coach:
- To illuminate your blind spots – We all have them! And it’s always harder to see them for yourself than it is for others. Your coach will be your eyes and ears to see the opportunities you might be missing and the mistakes to avoid.
- To shortcut your path to success – Hire a coach who has been where you are at right now and is NOW where you want to be. Only then can you benefit from experience that can cut months, or even years, off of your journey to success.
- To put your money where your mouth is – You are asking your future clients to invest in your support. And, quite honestly, how can you expect them to pay you for support if you aren’t willing to pay someone who is ahead of the journey to support you?
In my experience, hiring a coach is one of the highest return on investment decisions you can make in your business!
And by the way, if you are thinking of hiring a coach to support you in your success, I’d be honored to explore whether my services would be a good fit. Go to http://ConnectWithSherri.com and grab a spot on my calendar.
No obligation, just the opportunity to explore where you are now, where you want to go, and how I can help!
To what’s possible!
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