(928) 597-9515 WeCare@ResultsPartner.com

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????After years of supporting others in coming up with and writing blog posts, I’m excited to unveil my first official blog for Today’s SBO (that’s Strategic Business Owner, just in case you didn’t get the memo).  It’s a new year right?  So what better time?

And Happy New Year!

So, here’s my plan….each week I’ll share ideas, tips, strategies, and a bit about my own entrepreneurial journey (yes, I’m a serial entrepreneur), with Results Partner Strategic Business Services.

My intent is to bring you real world, easy to implement ideas that will make your life as an entrepreneur easier and more fulfilling.  I find that there are two camps that you might fit into…

  1. You are a newer business owner that is passionate about the gift you want to share…..but you are struggling to keep all the balls in the air, and find yourself overwhelmed and unsure of what to spend your time on and even where to start. You need a partner to guide you in the step by step actions that will bring your vision to life.
  2. You have a growing business you love and a virtual team in place to manage a lot of the day to day stuff you probably don’t like doing, But, you still feel like your business owns you.  You can’t get to the things you really want to focus on because you are still the “conductor” of all the pieces that make your business run every day. Those team members still need questions answered and the bulk of the planning and strategizing still falls on your shoulders.

I get it.  Spending time in either camp can be a drag.  But there is hope!


So to get the new year started right, I want to share my super simple and FUN way to go into the year with a clear vision of what you will create in the coming year….

In short, write down what you want.  Not as a laundry list of what you will “do” in the coming year, rather as a crystal clear, full color, no details left out story of what your business and your life will be like one year from today.  Here’s the 3 step process…

  • Set aside some quiet time and imagine that it’s at least a year from today (try 3 for a really juicy exercise!). Think about what your life is like when you’ve created the life and business of your dreams.  How are you being in the world?  What are you spending your time doing?  Who are you spending your time with?  What income are you generating?  What difference have you made with your clients?  What are you most proud of?  Where are you living?  What do your personal relationships look like?
  • Write a letter to friend you haven’t seen for a year (or 3 if that’s the time period you envisioned). Describe in intimate detail where you are now (now being one year in the future).  You can’t go overboard on detail here.  If you are describing the income you are making, tell your friend the story of how it felt to deposit that first check for the $50,000 client (or whatever your vision is).  If you are talking about how you are spending your time, describe a perfect day in detail, down to the movie you went to in the middle of the day because your business is so well oiled you can (if you’re in to movies like I am).
  • Read your letter out loud to at least 3 trusted confidants (your business coach should be one). There is a power in voicing your vision, and the simple act of reading this out loud will strengthen your conviction and activate the Laws of Attraction that will begin bringing that which you desire to you.

Have fun with this!  And trust me, it is powerful. I have heard incredible stories from clients who wrote vision letters and had “stories” they told in them come true, down to the last detail.  A friend of mine wrote in her vision letter that she’d gone to lunch with Harvey McKay, and sure enough in that year, she was invited to lunch with Harvey.

As we go boldly into this new year, know that you CAN have the business you dream about and a LIFE that you love.  It’s my passion and my mission to support you in having that!  If you’d like to talk about how that might be possible, let’s talk! Click here to grab a spot on my calendar now and let’s talk about building a Rapid Results Roadmap for you!