Talk To One Ideal Client
“It’s impossible to create marketing and offers that meet the needs of everyone because you’d have to water it all down to the lowest common denominator. You must talk to one person in all of your marketing and offers!“

If I had a nickel for every time an entrepreneur told me that they could work with “anyone”, I’d never have to work another day in my life (not that I’d stop anyway!).
It may be true that everyone needs what you offer in some way, shape or form, but it is NOT true that you can easily build a business that attracts “everyone”.
It’s impossible to create marketing and offers that meet the needs of everyone because you’d have to water it all down to the lowest common denominator.
And basically, at that point, it doesn’t land with anyone. 😀
You must talk to one person in all of your marketing and offers!
That one Ideal Client Avatar that you design everything around.
Now, that doesn’t mean that if you are a health coach you can’t work with both millennials and baby boomers.
But you get to pick one to focus on first!

Can you imagine if you put out a marketing campaign centered around having the energy to play with your grandkids or the flexibility to put your underwear on without having to lean on something (one of my clients actually used that one!).
It’s not going to appeal to many millennials, right?
But if you water down the copy and speak to ‘having more energy” or “increasing your flexibility” without a “so that” to communicate the real benefit or outcome your ideal client wants, it falls flat to everyone.
And you don’t attract many clients. ☹
So I want you to repeat after me…
… I will focus on one specific narrow niche first.
… I will build out a system to attract that niche.
… And only then will I add more niches if I want!
Ready to nail your niche? Declare it in the comments below and get feedback!
And here’s to what’s possible.
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