(928) 597-9515 WeCare@ResultsPartner.com

I had the opportunity to speak to a small group of passionate entrepreneurs yesterday.

They are a part of a Meet Up Group sponsored by the Business Women’s Community founded by my friend and colleague Monette Toverada. (If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, check it out at https://www.meetup.com/Business-Womens-Community/, there are several locations to choose from!)

Being totally transparent, when I woke up yesterday morning to howling winds and rain, plus the prospect of a 2+ hour drive to get to the meeting, I’d have rather pulled the covers over my head and slept in. J

Of course, I didn’t.  I pulled myself out of bed, readied myself for the day, and hopped in the car, giving myself plenty of time for the inevitable stop and go traffic , accidents, and irritating “squeak/squeak” of the windshield wipers as they did their best to keep the rain at bay.

I actually love driving.  My business partner in one of my previous businesses used to love it when I took road trips because she said I always came up with my best ideas!  Anyone else experience that?  And, even with the rain and traffic, my brain was working overtime yesterday as well.

In the not so short drive, I came up with an idea for an all new low cost offer for an event I’m participating in this March, decided to host a complementary webinar next week, and came up with a tweak to how I’m managing all of these “gift promotions” that I keep getting invited to join.  Not bad for a couple of hours of multi-tasking.

But the real magic happened when I reached the Meet Up Group.  I never get tired of meeting entrepreneurs.  Their passion and commitment to their clients and their businesses are such an inspiration to me.   I shared one of my favorite trainings called Ramp Up Your Referral Engine.  I truly believe that referrals are one of the most under-utilized marketing strategies out there….but that’s a topic for another blog!

I know I come alive when I’m teaching.  I love sharing ideas, content, and hopefully inspiring action along the way.  I hope everyone in the group today took home just one action item that will move their business forward, whether from me or from someone they met at the event.

Sometimes it’s not easy to get yourself out there.  It’s easier for many of us to sit in our office, responding to email, fiddling with our websites or opt-in pages, and generally avoiding the things that will make the most difference in our businesses.

The fact is, our business isn’t in our office, or “in” our computers.  It’s out in the world with real people, who have real needs, and pain, and hope that they will find a solution.  What if you are the solution to their problem?  How will they find you if you are sitting in your office tweaking the copy on your blog (I’m getting better at NOT doing this!).

By attending this one Meet Up group today, I had three breakthroughs on my business during drive time, was able to position myself as an expert with a group of ideal clients and make new connections, and in a totally kismet sort of way, discovered that a client that was at the luncheon has access to a beautiful space to hold a one day workshop I’m planning for March!

What if I’d decided to sleep in today?  What a missed opportunity!  So next time you try to talk yourself out of attending that networking event or asking for a speaking gig, shake yourself off and just do it!  It just may be the one event you are meant to attend this year!

I’m curious, how do you get yourself motivated to get out of your office with the potential clients with whom you are meant to work?  Post your favorite “motivation moments” below!