“The fact is, no matter how long you are in business there will always be fear around something you are doing. That is if you are growing.“
I have a question for you…
What are you most afraid of?
The fact is, no matter how long you are in business there will always be fear around something you are doing. That is if you are growing. 😊
Jack Canfield said, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear”
So how do you break through this challenge?
Embrace the Fear (and do it anyway)
No doubt you’ve heard this expression, and it’s so powerful!
Because if we choose to play small, to not get out of our box and experience what is possible, we won’t be afraid.
It’s comfortable in our box, right?
But we also won’t grow. We have to get on the other side of the box to get what we want!
The trick is to recognize the fear and know that it’s just a sign that we are getting close to a breakthrough!
So how do you do that?

Here is an easy exercise that I find works magic on releasing fear.
Think about something that you are feeling fear around right now.
- Notice where you feel it in your body.
Is it in your neck or shoulders?
The pit of your stomach?
Somewhere else?
- Close your eyes. Focus on that part of your body where the fear lies.
Now, send it love. It is there to protect you. To keep you safe. It’s just doing its job. Thank it for protecting you. Send it more love.
- Next, tell the fear that you appreciate what it is doing, but you’ve got this. You have everything you need to break through the challenge in front of you and move forward.
- Finally, sending more love to the fear, release it and replace the feeling with excitement about what’s next. The possibilities. The breakthrough!
Let that new feeling light you up. Feel the energy expand and grow, knowing that you have the power to do and be anything you choose.
When you open your eyes, notice how you feel now about that fear you used to have.
In my experience, there won’t be much energy around it and you’ll be ready to move through it to what’s next!
You can use this little technique anytime and anywhere.
Now, I know it might sound a little “woo woo” but give it a try. You might get a good surprise!
Because fear is one of the greatest obstacles to our growth..
..in life and business.
So comment below and tell me what you are most afraid of.
Putting it out there releases its power, and together, we’ll hold space for the fear and then let it go.
To what’s possible!
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