(928) 597-9515 WeCare@ResultsPartner.com

Pulling back timeWow!  As I sit at my computer writing to you, it’s 7:30 pm.  (Full disclosure, I’m a night owl, so it’s not unusual for me to mess around until 10 am before I really settle in to my work day, and be working away at 11 pm.)

Having said that, today I had one of those days where I barely left my office chair, yet I look back and wonder where the day went!  Granted, I did have 3 scheduled phone calls (one turned into a sale…yay!), a newsletter to get out for a client, worked with my graphic designer on a new infographic I’m creating for you (more to come on that soon!), etc., etc., etc.

Yet I still feel like “I didn’t get anything done”.  Ever felt like that?

So today I thought I’d share a few things I’ve put in place in my business to support me in managing my days and the overwhelm that is almost inevitable at some point for us as entrepreneurs.  Here are my top 5 tips for spacious and stress-free days…

Tip #1 – Make a Plan: I use a one page “Priority Planner” each day to set my intentions and keep me on track.  On the planner, I list my top 3 Overall Priorities and the top 5 “next few things” I get to accomplish to move that project forward.

These may or may not be things I’m doing today. But this serves to keep me focused on the 3 big things that I’m committed to doing to move my business forward.  Most days I can carry over a good deal of this part of the list until I’ve accomplished one of the items.

Next I list the top priorities for TODAY…only 3!  These are the 3 things that no matter what, I will get done today, before all else.  (Note to self….writing my blog was one of my 3 things for today….and I put it off until 7:30 at night…do better next time!)

I also list the people I need to reach out to or need something from to move a project forward. Finally, I list the other To Do’s that I’ll work on AFTER I accomplish my top 3.

By getting clear on what I’m focused on for the day, I exponentially increase my odds of reaching my goals.  During the day, if I feel off track, I simply refer to my Priority Planner and get refocused on what’s most important to my business.

Tip #2 – Check email twice daily only: I’ll admit this is a tough one for me!  It’s so easy to get pulled in by the lure of “new messages” or “I’ll check just really quick”, and before you know it, you’ve gone down the rabbit hole following up on random requests, the latest update from a friend, or email from that guru you love to follow.

Don’t do it!  Make it a habit to check email twice a day.  I typically check in the late morning and again around 6pm.  Throughout the day, I do my best not to get distracted when I need to send an email too!

Tip #3 – Use folders to receive important email: One great way to prioritize the email you read and significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to get through your inbox is by using folders.Create folders for specific types of emails and use “rules” (in Outlook) or “important” in gmail to sort emails into manageable chunks.

Be sure to create a “read later” folder for emails like newsletters and communication from those you follow, but aren’t time sensitive.  Then schedule an hour a week on your calendar to review these emails specifically!

Tip #4 – Schedule your calendar in time blocks: Multi-tasking does not save you time.  As much as we’d like to think it does, the reality is that the biggest time waster for most people is the “transition time” it takes to move from unrelated task to task.

Each time we “switch gears”, it takes time for our brains to re-adjust and get focused on the new task. And that time adds up!To avoid this, block specific times during your day, or even days of the week, for related activities.For instance, I have time blocks on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for client calls.  I do my best to make these times the only times that I schedule those calls.

Mornings between 9 and noon are project times for my “must dos” for the day.  Friday afternoons for me are catch up/hooky time.  I don’t book appointments and can decide each week if I spend the time catching up on tasks I haven’t completed during the week, or go to a movie instead!

Tip #5 – Take breaks to amp up your productivity: You may not think you have time for breaks, but the fact is, you’ll be more productive if you work in 90 minute chunks, then take a short break. Get up, walk around a bit, drink a glass of water.You’ll be amazed at how much easier it will be to get focused again.Also be sure to stay hydrated and keep your body fueled.  Know your own body and treat it well!

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Most of all, remember that you are in control of your time! You don’t HAVE to pick up every phone call or say yes to every request for information.  You are in control of your time and what you spend it on.

If in doubt, refer to your priority planner and stick to your top 3 priorities. If it doesn’t move forward one of those 3, just say no!

Whew….at least I crossed off that third priority on my list today!